Does your phobia ever go away?



Active Member
I am feared that my phobias/anxiety will never fully disappear from my life - do phobias ever go away or do they lurk under the surface?


People do think that they will never go away. Yet in fact a phobia only rears if head when the given stimulus is apparent. Many live with the thought of ' what if ' and try to prepare for the next time they may encounter whatever it is. That in and of itself is not being phobic yet is an anticipatory response. Both of which can be dealt with quickly and effectively with the right approach. They can and indeed do go away with the right intervention and indeed in some cases have done on their own when people have told themselves that enough is enough and decide to make a change.

A good therapist can help and in a very short space of time to help people move forward.



Active Member
As I mentioned in one of my earlier post, for many years I had a phobia of even touching a bottle of bleach until I became involved in a retail business. Without thinking, one day I was helping to clean the shop using bleach and I never gave it a second thought. I can only imagine because my mind was elsewhere at the time I was not concentrating on my phobia of bleach and from that day on I have never had any further issues.