Phobias at the Movies - Exposure Therapy



New Member
My wife suffers from Emetophobia (fear of sick). So I created Phobias at the Movies to help her. We are subscription based to cover theater costs, site upkeep and for our time filling requests!

What we do is we screen movies for spiders, snakes, blood, dental work, puppets, dolls, needles, vomit and clowns. We then let the user know when, how graphic and for long there phobia is shown on screen. This allows the user to avoid and in time expose themselves to their phobias at their own pace at home with a loved one.

We have had many success stories already being sent in. From couples helping each other, strengthening their relationship, to children as young as 9 years old facing their fears early with the help of their caring mothers and fathers. Our goal is to eventually move into TV series, so please take a look, join us or pass it along and help us help others!

Thank you for your time. If you have any questions feel free to post them here.

Phobias at the Movies
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Staff member
Hi Tony

That is an intriguing set-up you have there - can you expand on the feedback you have received from users?




New Member
We have a mother who has an 9 year old who suffers with multiple phobias. She requests basically every animated movie. And, since I have a 3 and a 5 year old we don't mind! She actually just emailed in to say she used our information on Inside Out as exposure. Here is part of her response.

I use this site for my 9 year old son who is suffering terribly from emetaphobia and other anxieties.
We showed your site to our therapist and she is using it for other kids with phobias.
Thank you so much for creating this site and for making it such a personal experience for us.

We also have multiple couples helping each other. Even subscribing to our page for their girlfriends for Valentine's Day! Or so they don't have to screen the movie beforehand by themselves.

We have a user, who is more a friend now, who helps us gather people and is working now on just sounds of his phobia. I help him by letting him know which movies would work the best for his issues.

These are all VERY good people. I try to respond to all questions ASAP, we do all main line theater movies and for user requests we shoot for 48 hours or less.


Active Member
That all sounds amazing - sometimes I think we need to think outside the box a little to change things.